Monday, June 12, 2017

Poke Monsters, New Pokemon Game Ready to Rival Pokemon GO

Various types of monster-themed games have been popping up, especially mobile games with the Android platform, but have you tried this one game?

RPG genre game with the background of a young man who has an obsession to be the world's best coach is called Poke Monster.

The Poke Monster will invite potential trainers to adventure in the world of monsters and will invite you to have the same obsession with the main characters to capture, collect, and train the monsters to be the best with the trainers.

Poke Monster also has its own excitement with various features and prizes that will make you feel at home to play. What are the excellent features in this game? Here's the review.

Train the Monster

These would-be trainers would have to train the captured monster to be the best. Trainers will be able to capture monsters during adventure and increase their levels until they can be evolved for the better.

Various types of monsters will be available with various types of levels of monsters ranging from weak to legendary monsters.

The main key to playing this game is to become the best coach and have the strongest monsters in the world of monsters.

Gym Battle

Without a confession from the other coaches will not prove you are the greatest coaches. Prove your abilities by pitting your monsters and battle strategy in the Battle Gym.

There are various kinds of prizes to be had, but the best prize is how great you to be the strongest coach are?

During an adventure in the world of monsters, you will be dealing with other coaches. Badge itself is a proof that you ever beat the best coaches.

By defeating these trainers, you will also be able to explore further to collect more powerful monsters. Show off your badge to the other coaches, and get ready to be recognized as the best coach.


The trainer will be able to adventure on the basis of stories that can be enjoyed. Further adventures will enable trainers to find and capture more powerful types of monsters.

In addition to the opportunity to meet with the monster, the coach also had the opportunity to get valuables that can be used to increase the strength of coaches and monsters.

Daily events and gifts

Every day, coaches will have the chance to get rewards from the system and a variety of exciting events to enjoy. Some of the events provided will challenge the ability of the trainers and prove that you deserve to be called the best coach in the world of monsters.(gamefreak)